Tuesday, August 6, 2013

IBPS PO 2013 Syllabus in Detail

1.Reasoning/Mental Ability : IBPS PO syllabus 2013 for in this Reasoning test carries about 50 marks and mainly talks about the thinking ability on the candidate.
•Number series
•letter & symbol series
•statement and argument
•logical problems
•verbal reasoning
•blood relations
•number ranking
•making judgments etc…..
2. English Language : IBPS PO Exam pattern for in this is the test carries about 40 marks and is Conducted to check the grammar and English skills.
•Error Correction
•Sentence Rearrangement
•Fill in the Blanks with Modals, Articles etc
•Answering questions based on Unseen Passages
•Vocabulary etc..
3. Quantitative Aptitude : IBPS PO 2013 for in this test carries about 50 marks and is conducted to test the mathematical skills.
•Number System
•Ratio and Proportions
•Time and Distance
•Profit and Loss
•Simple and Compound Interest etc…..
4. General Awareness : IBPS PO new exam syllabus for in this test carries about 40 marks and is conducted to check the general Knowledge.
•Current Affairs around the world
•Economic News
•Budget & Plans
•Books and Authors
•Awards and Honors
•Science – Inventions and Discoveries
•Important Days & Dates etc…
5. Computer Knowledge : IBPS PO new Exam Pattern This carries about 20 marks and is conducted to check the Computer Awareness

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